Promoting the interests of newspapers and other publications and advancing journalism standards and educational opportunities in Rhode Island since 1886.

Rhode Island Press Association Executive Board
President: Ethan Shorey, The Valley Breeze
Ethan Shorey is the chief editor of The Valley Breeze Newspapers.
He began his career with The Breeze in the spring of 2006 and has been with the company ever since, rising through the ranks to become top editor in 2017. He has won numerous Rhode Island Press Association awards and also won first in New England for government reporting.
He has reported stories on every community The Breeze covers, including starting its Pawtucket edition in 2009, which he still reports for today.
Shorey delivers The Breeze to newsstands every Thursday, and believes that for modern journalism to flourish, no one can be above any job as we innovate and try new approaches.
Shorey grew up reading The Sun Chronicle every day, which, along with having a grandfather, Erik Skaanning, who worked in newspapers for decades, helped inspire him from an early age to want to be a local news reporter.
A 2018 Rhode Island 40 Under Forty winner, Shorey lives in Cumberland, where he enjoys spending time with his wife and three kids, grilling, woodworking, and yard games, among many other interests.
Find him on Twitter, @TheStoryShorey.

Vice President: Carlos Muñoz, The Globe Rhode Island

Carlos R. Muñoz is a digital and audience engagement editor for the Boston Globe Rhode Island bureau.
He began his career at 19 as a sports reporter with Gannett in Wisconsin, moved to web editor and photo technician at the Toledo Blade, returned to Wisconsin to report local news, and was most recently a mobile reporter/breaking news reporter at the Sarasota Herald-Tribune in sunny Florida.
A Wisconsin native, he pursued journalism and English at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, and his passions include wildlife, environmental science, weather phenomena, and the great outdoors.
He will be focusing on the social media and digital strategy for the Rhode Island bureau and building communities around Globe Rhode Island news.
Secretary: Will Richmond, The Providence Journal
Will Richmond is the managing editor for communities, outreach and Rhode Island at The Providence Journal and managing editor of The Newport Daily News.
He previously served as the executive editor of The Daily News and The Bulletin in Norwich, Connecticut and was the digital city editor at The Herald News in Fall River, Massachusetts.
In his current role at The Providence Journal, he leads engagement efforts and provides a focus on audience growth.
A lifelong Rhode Island resident, he currently lives in Warwick with his wife and two sons. You'll most likely find him at a field or court and enjoys golfing and heading to the beach.
You can find him on Instagram @by_will_richmond.

Treasurer: Sarah Francis, retired, R.I. Monthly

Sarah Francis is the retired editor of Rhode Island Monthly. She edited profiles on Patrick Kennedy and Jack Reed, as well as the annual Best of Rhode Island issue.
She’s also wrote for RIM about Providence’s police horses, car theft in Rhode Island, a URI bug expert, and how to make sushi. She's an alum of Philadelphia Magazine, where she once worked as a copy editor, and has been a freelance writer for Woman’s Day and Cosmopolitan.
Prior to that, she wrote obituaries for a small daily newspaper in Pennsylvania; she says it was “deadly.”