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2013 Rhode Island Press Association Contest Winners
(Results for the 2012 Rhode Island Press Association Editorial Award Competition. Presented May 3, 2013)
The Rhode Island Press Association is pleased to provide comments from judges for the 2012 Editorial Contest. The winners and comments are provided in place order.
First Place: Tatiana Pina, The Providence Journal, “Victim shot while doing an everyday thing”
This story is gripping and full of telling detail, great quotes and a real sense of the human beings involved in an unexpected, senseless crime.
Second Place: W. Zachary Malinowski, The Providence Journal, “Moreau, contractor plead guilty”
This is not just the coverage of a court proceeding. The reporter’s work brings out the full context of the event, what led to it and what it means for a community betrayed by a trusted leader.
Third Place: Russ Olivo, Woonsocket Call, “Homeless making the best of their bad situations:
This full, quick picture of a problem in the community manages to convey the situation, not merely pluck at sympathetic heartstrings or condemn those involved. The resulting message is mixed, like the reality.
Honorable Mention: Richard Dujardin, Providence Journal, “A knock on the door, then a shot”
No judge’s comments given.
Honorable Mention: James J. Gillis, The Newport Daily News, “Driver apologizes 29 years later”
No judge’s comments given.
First Place: Lynn Arditi, The Providence Journal, “A death unnoticed raises questions of oversight”
Great job telling the story and digging into the state requirements for sober houses. The lede grabs the reader’s attention.
Second Place: Chris Keegan, The Westerly Sun, “Back taxes owed on vacant Tim Horton’s building”
Good job digging and contacting sources. Great use of records and interviews.
Third Place: Dale P. Faulkner, The Westerly Sun, “Hospital transition has a cost”
Great job laying out the costs, telling readers about the expenses and getting the hospital’s side of the story.
First Place: Matt Sheley, The Newport Daily News, “The Damage is Done”
Good public safety reporting often starts with emergency scanner traffic, but it never ends there. Matt Sheley’s well-written article is a prime example; He incorporated the kind of details that both moved the story forward while taking the reader to the scene. He also chose quotes wisely to let his subjects tell the story whenever possible.
The paragraphs detailing school closures and trash collection schedules slow down the pact and would have been better saved for a sidebar or box.
Second Place: Mike Stanton, Kate Bramson, Paul Grimaldi, Richard C. Dujardin, The Providence Journal, “Game over”
It’s tough to make a bankruptcy case compelling, but 38 Studios’ financial downfall has all the ingredients needed for a lively read. Reporters Mike Stanton, Kate Bramson, Paul Grimaldi and Richard Dujardin clearly did their homework in anticipation of the filing, and their understanding of the case pays off for the reader, who gets a guided tour of the hopes, history and ultimate downfall of a gaming company thanks to a reporter’s enterprise.
However, depth of knowledge can also hinder, leading to an inside-baseball approach to writing. Stanton and Bramson fall victim to a bit of that, barraging readers with a rapid-fire succession of numbers without enough context. Why do readers need to know that 38 Studios had $302.29 in petty cash, or the Schilling owned exactly 82.9 percent of the company, instead of “about 80 percent?” Still, they deserve applause for their enterprise and background work on a story that will likely have some long-term economic effects.
Grimaldi’s primer on how the filing will affect taxpayers and the state is both approachable and informative for readers.
Third Place: A.J. Algier, The Westerly Sun, “Driver in Chariho crash loses license – forever”
Who would have thought that traffic court could be so interesting? A.J. Algier’s coverage of a teenager’s traffic court sentencing—in which the 17-year-old loses his license forever—results in a story that teenagers will likely pass around during homeroom while their parents discuss it over the watercooler.
Algier does a good job of incorporating the details of the court case and the reasoning behind the magistrate’s harsh sentence. Two important facts could have been higher, however: The sentence went against the recommendation of the prosecutor, and a school board member was tangentially involved in the circumstances surrounding the crash.
First Place: Staff, The Providence Journal, “Rhode Island Economy: Help Wanted”
An excellent example of a long-term project that incorporated numerous angles, countless sources and tons of research. Rather than being loaded with jargon or being a boring read, this series was easy to understand and kept the reader’s attention.
Second Place: Tracey Breton, The Providence Journal, “Chasing the deadbeats”
A fascinating mix of specific examples and sources combined with great big-picture data. It is obvious time and great care were invested in this project.
Third Place: Patrick Anderson, Providence Business News, “38 Studio critics grow after missed fee payment”
An excellent long-term analysis of a complex issue that was well written and sourced. Reporter stayed with the story to advance it in meaning ways several times.
Honorable Mention: Liz Boardman, Iain Wilson, The South County Independent, “Scavenber hunt winners have yet to collect prizes”
There were numerous strong entries in this difficult category. This report is a dogged example of continued education and records usage and interviews to expose a scammer to a community. This type of reporting is often under represented but communities and news organizations would be well served by more of this brand of watchdog journalism.
First Place: Sandy Phaneuf, The Valley Breeze, “Athena’s”
A remarkably well-written piece about an unusual business.
Second Place: Alex Kuffner, The Providence Journal, “Fueling change”
A very enjoyable read about one young man who is changing the world and building an international business, all before his college graduation.
Third Place: Cynthia Drummond, The Westerly Sun, “VIBCO’s feeling good vibrations”
A delightful profile of a quirky and successful company, rich with characters and detail.
Honorable Mention: Elizabeth Rau, Rhode Island Monthly, “Uncommon Gifts”
No judge’s comments given.
Honorable Mention: Patrick Anderson, Providence Business News, “Slater fund track record mixed bag”
No judge’s comments given.
First Place: Jen McCaffery, Rhode Island Monthly, “Building schools from scratch”
Very well-written, well-structured and well-researched. A comprehensive narrative on an important trend in education. This story takes the reader through the business and the politics of charter education, with insight into the classroom and the meeting room alike.
Second Place: Jennifer D. Jordan, The Providence Journal, “Is this charter better?”
A good look at the political controversy surrounding mayoral charters. Good research on Achievement First’s track record in other states—information that probably should have been foreshadowed earlier in the article.
Third Place: Casey Nilsson, Rhode Island Monthly, “Out in public”
Good job on a sensitive topic. This story helps give readers an insight into an unexpected subject area. I would have liked to have seen a little bit more on the education aspect—but I do understand the complexity of the subject and the need to address the medical and parenting aspects of the topic.
First Place: Richard C. Dujardin, The Providence Journal, “Fault lines among the faithful”
His is a very interesting story about the unseen barrier that separates members of the same faith, living just blocks apart. Richard Dujardin has assembled some very nice anecdotes—the scolding nun, bazaars in two places—to really show how divided St. Leo’s and St. Cecilas really are—and remain. I would have liked to have seen one of these anecdotes in the lede; that would have moved you away from a cliché and immediately into the point of the story.
Second Place: Phil Eli, The Jewish Voice & Herald, “A glimpse inside the Broad Street synagogue”
Phillip Eil pays wonderful attention to detail; the padlocks on the iron gate, garbage strewn about, broken windows. By immediately following it up with the observation that “it’s the most exciting building,” he really underscores the idea that this is a diamond in the rough. I would have liked to have seen the nutgraph—what this story is really about—0above the synagogues history. It would be more apparent to the reader what is at stake.
Third Place: Jennifer D. Jordan, The Providence Journal, “Still a lively experiment: Public unleashes vitriol on teen who takes a stand”
Jennifer Jordan, Tracy Breton and Lynn Arditi do a nice, comprehensive job wrapping up a long-running controversy. I especially liked the sidebar about the judge’s rationale, helping readers understand this issue’s long, emotional history. One or two suggestions: it’s a bit jarring to start with Anderson reciting the Lord’s prayer and then later finding out he’s OK with removing the mural. I thin k his comments and story should have been kept together and an alternative lede used. Also, the very person this story is about, Jessica Ahlquist, should make an appearance much earlier in the story. She’s your star and she’s playing too much of a supporting role.
First Place: Mary Grady, Rhode Island Monthly, “Trouble in paradise”
A clear and concise story written in an engaging style that provides an insightful and interesting look at the problems faced by a landmark attraction from the late 1800s persisting in a modern society that simultaneously loves and neglects it. The writing flows, capturing the optimism of those who would return the park to better days while not shying away from providing an unblinking look at the park’s faded glory and tough problems with tight budgets, goose droppings, industrial waste and polluted runoff.
Second Place: Richard Salit, The Providence Journal, “An Eco-Centric Plan”
This story is part personality profile and captures the personality so well it’s easy to believe the environmental project discussed might come to fruition simply through the exuberance of the person promoting it. The energy is palpable in the opening part of the story. This is nicely balanced with some background information about the site, mention of a past rejection of a similar project at another site, and comments by others concerning the plan.
Third Place: Alex Kuffner, The Providence Journal, “Power down, move ahead”
“Energy efficiency,” the subhead says, so readers know this isn’t likely to be the sexiest story available and besides that it has the potential to be a tough slog. But the story starts out with a real person saving considerable amounts of money, transitions to a statewide and regional look and even confronts the eye-glazing causes many people experience when seeing the words “energy efficiency.” This story contains interesting factoids written in comparison terms that make sense, such as “equivalent to pulling 225,000 cars off the road.” Many sources are questioned to help provide a big-picture view. The writing overall is easy to understand for a topic that can get bogged down in numbers. The writing is also, well, efficient.
First Place: Casey Nilsson, Rhode Island Monthly, “The secret disorder”
This is a fascinating story, well told and unusual. The author brings humanity to those afflicted with this disorder and helps the reader to see into their lives. The piece is well paced and holds the reader’s interest. Good job!
Second Place: Felice Freyer, The Providence Journal, “Weight-loss program transforms young lives”
This is a very important topic. Usually, stories on this issue just tell about the problem and give the reader platitudes. This piece shows the reader a real solution and that makes it an award-winner. The story is well-written and enjoyable. The author should be proud.
Third Place: Jessica Botelno, Warwick Beacon, “Man with cerebral palsy assists others to communicate”
Inspiring story about someone who has moved beyond his own problems and used his life experience to make things better for others. The piece also teaches the reader some of the practical problems facing those who suffer from this disorder and helps us all appreciate someone else’s struggles. Nicely done.
First Place: Jen McCaffery, Rhode Island Monthly, “Mary full of grace”
McCaffery’s piece is as humble and powerful as Mary Donnelly herself. A strong interview with Donnelly provides the core of the story but its small asides and observations McCaffery provides the reader which round out our understanding of Donnelly. Impressions of the island itself take on their own personality, which adds to the portrait of Mary.
Second Place: Donna Kenny Kirwan, The Times, “Hero Heroux”
Here the author tells not only the tale of an American off to war, but of D-Day itself, accomplished by solid quotes from Heroux and a dept use of language. A scene regarding a covered steeple is a strong example of the inpactfulness of this piece.
Third Place: Jenna Pelletier, The Providence Journal, “Crowning Achievement”
Profiling a Miss USA winner offers unique challenges, and this piece avoids those pitfalls. Maintaining a faithfulness to the subject matter with respect to the winner, Olivia Culpo made for an engaging, unexpected read. A sense of familiarity with Culp is present for the reader from the very beginning. Pelletier should be commended for providing insight into Culpo’s family—it makes the story.
Honorable Mention: Meghan Kavanaugh, The Valley Breeze, “Friendships and cold cream”
No judges comments given.
First Place: Lisa Vernon Sparks, The Providence Journal, “Ringtone choice a personal call”
Good enterprise piece on a topic we’ve all wondered about. Good mix of sources.
Second Place: Glenn Laxton, Your Smithfield Magazine, “Beating the odds”
Nice portrait with a lede that makes you start rooting for the guy immediately.
Third Place: Richard Salit, The Providence Journal, “Mob mentality”
Good pick-up on a story that would have been overlooked.
First Place: Russ Olivo, John Larrabee, Rhode Island Monthly, “Other people’s money”
Really nice story. Not only is it well written and organized, but it takes readers on a journey they don’t expect. It’s both a fascinating story of a criminal and con man, but an unexpected look inside mental illness and corporate greed. Overall great job.
Second Place: Jen McCaffery, Rhode Island Monthly, “Global conscience”
Nice look inside a really interesting character with both global and local impacts. Brings in bigger issue of hunger without losing its core. Nicely written.
Third Place: Katie Mulvaney, The Providence Journal, “Mom longs for justice for Jade”
A heartbreaking story with nice details. Well organized and visual. Could benefit from additional voices.
First Place: Bill Van Siclen, The Providence Journal, “Artists love to paint, but also love the paint itself”
Nice approach to an exhibit review. Pulls the hook of the story all the way through and keeps it relevant while making the whole thing intriguing for the reader.
First Place: Brian C. Jones, Rhode Island Monthly, “Let the Goode Times Roll”
Really well written, well crafted story that gives depth to an all-too-common story these days. Great personalities behind the issue.
Second Place: Lisa Vernon Sparks, The Providence Journal, “Did you hear the one about the female comics?”
Nice mini-profiles that speak to a larger issue. Great job localizing and expanding a national story in a way that makes readers think.
Third Place: Marcia Green, The Valley Breeze, “Thirty years later, Aaron Fricke’s story goes live on stage”
Good job balancing the core of the story—the play—with the larger social issue. That combination draws the reader in and makes them think along the way.
First Place: David Dadekian, The Bay, “A trip through cheese country”
This story made me hungry and there’s no better praise for a food story. It’s well written, interesting and brings new takes on what could be a very common subject matter. Nice job telling a story.
Second Place: Grace Lentini, East Side Monthly, “A new kind of fast food”
While many are writing about food trucks these days, the quality of writing stood out with this. Nicely descriptive while taking advantage of a strong narrative thread.
Third Place: Erin Swanson, Providence Monthly, “Medal in drinking”
Nice writing but a great idea. Really creative and fun way to present a bar story. Nice job overall.
First Place: Meghan Kavanaugh, The Valley Breeze, “Boy, 10, saves swim instructor from drowning”
Clear writing, evocative details and intuitive organization gave this charming tale the punch and ease it deserved.
Second Place: Julie Tremaine, Providence Monthly, “A steaming cup”
Just about everyone has heard of this coffee but after reading this story, readers are likely to feel the glow of expertise that comes from reading an engaging and unpretentious story like this one.
Third Place: Jessica A. Botelho, The Warwick Beacon, “Neighbors squawk over cockatoo’s foul words”
This story had the texture of an urban legend, and Botelho’s storytelling put names and neighborhoods to a tale that would otherwise be a rumor.
Honorable Mention: Tatiana Pina, The Providence Journal, “Billboard asks: ‘Do you know who killed me?’
No judge’s comments given.
First Place: Brian MacPherson, The Providence Journal, “It’s all in the eyes”
This was just a wonderful read. I liked how MacPherson wrote this in a style, manner that makes the science of optics and vision and hitting a baseball accessible to all readers. It’s also a nice foray into that interesting nexus of sport, science and human physiology. Good job reporting. It’s clearly a thorough effort with case studies of several players and depth provided by the team doctor. I was hooked on the story start to finish.
Second Place: Kevin McNamara, The Providence Journal, “The crying game”
I had no idea the world of Rhode Island college hoops was in such a state of disrepair. But this story lays it out clearly. Kudos for recognizing the broader story sitting there in the woes of the four individual schools. This makes the story enterprising and accessible to a broad audience.
Third Place: Kevin Pomeroy, The Johnston Sun Rise, “Panthers ‘A-Team’ looking for success on and off the field”
First, the subject of the story is interesting and enterprising: football players recognizing and working toward a goal of classroom success. But Pomeroy does a nice job of showing how that goal translates into other positives—team unity, developing trust and generating support and buy-in from a wider community. I think the writing in places could have been tighter, more succinct. But good job recognizing an interesting story and telling it in a way that appeals to more than just sports fans.
First Place: Carolyn Thornton, The Providence Journal, “Andrade overcame adversity”
A very compelling narrative. Well reported, written clearly and emotionally. The story clearly fit the category criteria for writing style and enterprise. Good use of quotes to drive the narrative, provide emotion and color. Excellent lede as well: I was hooked from the start and gripped until the end.
Second Place: Adam Braver, Rhode Island Monthly, “Ball kids”
This took the reader on a wonderful journey into the world of being a ball kid, the color, history and significance of something most of us take for granted. Well written and reported.
Third Place: Mike Szostak, The Providence Journal, “Fatima’s finale”
This story just goes to show there is always a story—you just have to grab it and tell the heck out of it. It would have been easy to write a simple obit. So kudos here for providing the personal perspective, the history and depth of this once proud prep sports program.
Honorable Mention: Bill Koch, South County Independent, “Changing the culture”
No judge’s comments given.
First Place: John Gilloly, The Providence Journal
A wonderful collection of columns. The ‘Private Schools’ showed a depth, experience and insight on an issue that seems critical to the prep sports scene in the state. Written authoritatively with a sound argument. The writer shows a more sensitive side on the “Morrison” column. Well told, nicely quoted—all in all a compelling read, as well as taking sports beyond the playing field. Too often, sports writers miss opportunities to tell and show how sports transcends. The writer does that very well here.
Second Place: Bill Reynolds, The Providence Journal
The “Hazard” column does a wonderful job of taking sports and players beyond the gym. Nicely written, dramatic and clean. I liked the use of the “jumped” technique but also felt it became overused. Wonderful job telling the story of Jason Laurie, his tragedy and ability to overcome. Excellent detail, reporting and use of dramatic writing style to convey the story and all of its components. I, too, found myself cheering for the coach at the end.
Third Place: Jim Donaldson, The Providence Journal
Very nice collection of columns. Kudos for taking a different approach to Billy Cundiff’s botched kick by talking to opposing kickers, who are also his friends. It was a unique way to explore the misery, emotions and consequences. It really puts that missed kick in a different perspective. The story about the “Rhode Island Deal” is a nice foray into the mixed world of sports and state government. Brave to go there and not easily done very often. But the column offers a nice blend of snark, sarcasm and object lesson about the lessons of little or no government oversight.
First Place: Sheila Mullowney, The Newport Daily News
The writer takes a clear stance backed up with facts, observations and well-informed opinions. She questions government spending and city officials in well-written columns easy to understand and digest. Writing is conversational, yet professional in tone. No doubt readers left more informed after reading!
Second Place: Nancy Kirsch, The Jewish Voice & Herald
Engaging headlines and intros. Writer aims for more feedback from readers in a genuine tone. Interesting and timely topics with a refreshing personal touch from the writer. Enjoyed personal stories peppered into the columns!
First Place: Mark Patinkin, The Providence Journal
‘Disability culture’ tackled vital topic without defaulting to ideological rant. Well reasoned, appeals to better selves. ‘Army Nurse’ is really a profile but so good I didn’t care it strayed from category. Xmas device excellent. ‘Old couple’ finely written and with a surprise I almost saw coming—because of the depth.
Second Place: Edward Fitzpatrick, The Providence Journal
School banner piece well reported, though a bit over long. Schilling column easily the best among four on this topic in this category—finding a guy wronged was a great touch in conveying the outrage of celebrity economic development.
Third Place: Elizabeth Rau, East Side Monthly
Compelling voice, chatty, intimate, kind. Writing about your own family and yourself can be tough to pull off—Rau does it skillfully.
Honorable Mention: Jill Davidson, East Side Monthly
Practical, well-informed, useful stuff.
Honorable Mention: Laurence J. Sasso, Your Smithfield Magazine
Nice use of language but a bit of trimming would hold readers.
First Place: Bob Breidenbach, The Providence Journal, “Welcome home”
Best capture of a moment amongst the entries. Every person in the photograph is showing emotion. Great composition.
Second Place: Elise Manahan, The Valley Breeze, “4th of July”
Great catch on this patriotic kiddo—love his expression. Nice depth of field and framing.
Third Place: Christine Corrigan, The Westerly Sun, “High-flying festival”
Beautiful photo of a scene we’ve all encountered before at a carnival—fresh perspective. Nice composition, framing and colors.
First Place: Jill Connor, The Westerly Sun, “Fire tears through multi-family building”
This picture conveys both the immensity of the fire and the urgency of those fighting it. Dramatic and nicely framed.
Second Place: Steve Szydlowski, The Providence Journal, “Snow”
Just makes you shiver and feel uncomfortable! Captures what it was like to walk through Providence in a driving snowstorm.
Third Place: Kris Craig, The Providence Journal, “Holiday”
The joy of a holiday reunion at the airport, complete with some onlookers watching, some ignoring. A slice of life in a photo.
First Place: David Hansen, The Newport Daily News, “America’s Cup World Series: Newport”
Awesome photo. Puts you right in the middle of the action.
Second Place: Grace White, The Westerly Sun, “Mother Goose eggs them on”
Captures a sense of childhood and springtime.
Third Place: Kathy Borchers, The Providence Journal, “Corndog”
Definitely worth a second look. Best anteater portrait I’ve ever seen.
First Place: Steve Szydlowski, The Providence Journal, “Richard E. Greenwood”
Amazing composition, good lighting. It draws the reader in and makes them want to read the story.
Second Place: Stacey Doyle, Providence Monthly, “Gibran Borbon”
Great lighting in a composition. The whole photo screams personality.
Third Place: Marylou Butler, SO Rhode Island, “Little Rhody’s big star”
Gorgeous lighting. Shows her unique style without seeming staged.
First Place: Christine Corrigan, The Westerly Sun, “Slide into 2nd base”
Great job showing the action. You can clearly see the ball, the ref and both players.
Second Place: Grace White, The Westerly Sun, “It’s a heartbreaker”
Nice job capturing a human, heartbreaking moment in the game.
Third Place: Judith Gardner, The Bay, “Staying on the grind”
Crisp shot, nice lighting. I like the movement through the photo.
First Place: Jason Evans, Rhode Island Monthly, “Ball kids”
Consistently great composition and lighting. Great job varying the shots—it keeps the reader interested.
Second Place: Sandor Bodo, The Providence Journal, “Full steam ahead”
Good variety in the pictures and interesting composition. Great job capturing the life and emotion on the submarine.
Third Place: Ron Cowie, Rhode Island Monthly, “Two Worlds”
Good mix of portraits and environment shots—it captures the feel of the community. Nice lighting.
First Place: Peter Donahue, The Providence Journal
These headlines are not just clever and entertaining—they also encapsulate the message of each story in an unforgettable few words.
Second Place: Harvey Peters, The Newport Daily News
These headlines are an absolute delight. And they make you want to read the stories.
Third Place: Helena Tauhey, The Newport Daily News
Nicely worded and right on point. Really enjoyed “Phil ‘er up,” about Phil Viveiros, owner of Phil’s Propane in Tiverton, who’s celebrating 60 years in the business his granddad—also named Phil—started.
Honorable Mention: Mike Mello, Providence Business News
No Judge’s Comments Given.
First Place: Gilbert Ford, Tina Strasbery, Rhode Island Monthly, “The bucket list”
Great concept for locals! Cover art and writing is very strong. The content is creative with fun and unique details and how people can do some of Rhode Island’s best activities—thinking or planning a visit there ourselves now! Clean layout and very easy to follow.
Second Place: Staff, The Providence Journal, “Fenway Park Centennial”
Fantastic cover photos and layout. Great features inside—the timeline, interesting facts and personal stories are great. Good use of the paper’s own archive photos.
Third Place: Julie Tremaine, Providence Monthly, “View of StyleWeek Northeast”
Excellent photos with designer profiles. Profiles are simple, to the point. The Hope McDonald mix and match is a particularly nice page. The how-to section is a nice touch.
Honorable Mention: Staff, The Valley Breeze, “Rethink/Refresh”
Very clever theme carried throughout the special publication. Plenty of unique ideas inside. One of the most cohesive entries.
First Place: Staff, The Providence Journal, March 18, 2012
Cohesive and powerful. Graphics that grab you. Nicely done.
Second Place: John Zins, The Newport Daily News, June 25, 2012
Great use of photos, nice headline, nice integration of all elements.
Third Place: Staff, The South County Independent, Nov. 1, 2012
A little blocky but really powerful. Very effective use of photos.
Honorable Mention: Harvey Peters, The Newport Daily News, June 25, 2012
No judge’s comments given.
First Place: Melissa Stimpson, SO Rhode Island, “Sea Change”
Really conveys a sense of place and story. The photo, design and headline all come together and pack an emotional wallop.
Second Place: Tina Strasburg, Angel Tucker, Rhode Island Monthly, “The Local Food Lover’s Guide”
This cover just bursts with freshness and natural appeal. Great use of photos in this design.
Third Place: James Jones, The Bay, “High Style”
A clean, inviting design with nice, subtle use of color.
Honorable Mention: Shana Santow, SO Rhode Island, “Eco (Kid) Friendly”
No judge’s comments given.
Honorable Mention: Tina Strasburg, Joe Newton, Gail Anderson, Rhode Island Monthly, “Best of Rhode Island”
No judge’s comments given.
Honorable Mention: Hilary Block, SO Rhode Island, “Life’s a Beach”
No judge’s comments given.
First Place: Tina Strasburg, Carolyn Morsan, Ana Benaroya, Rhode Island Monthly, “Wheeling & Dealing”
Very eye-catching art—colors, fonts are great! Spent a lot of time looking at the excellent detail in the illustration. Headline is clever and fits the story well. All elements well done and attention grabbing—and holding.
Second Place: Staff, The Providence Journal, “When food is the enemy”
Excellent concept on the art—using common allergy food as a medium. Clean layout and good tie between art and headlines.
Third Place: Mike Braca, Providence Monthly, “Balls to the wall”
Fantastic photo—nice lighting, composition and expression. Fun headline and copy. Well done.
First Place: Staff, The Providence Journal, “Deja Blue”
Snappy and clean, yet filled with drama—this sports cover captured it.
Second Place: Evan Crawley, The Coventry Courier, “Back to back”
Nicely organized content combined with well-placed photos, cohesive color and appropriate headlines; it all really comes together.
Third Place: Staff, The Providence Journal, “Hands-Off Approach”
Nice interplay between headline and lead photo; page has easy-reading, clean look.
Honorable Mention: William Geoghegan, Kevin Pomeroy, The Warwick Beacon, “Over the Mountain”
No judge’s comments given.
Category did not meet the minimum number of entries to be judged.
First Place: The Providence Journal
Strong writing, familiarity with issues and background + context for races all stood out in your election coverage. Profiles helped the reader really understand who a candidate was and where they stood on issues.
Second Place: The Newport Daily News
The sheer volume and coverage as well as the multi media approach to informing voters through TV and forums helped your coverage stand out. Your reporters were obviously committed to election coverage. Some crowded council races were not focused enough. Some headlines such as “candidates agree, and disagree,” were pedestrian and should have been stronger.
Third Place: The Valley Breeze
Variety of coverage and attention to numerous races were strong suits, coverage was interesting and useful. However contest guidelines were not always followed and entries from August and September were not read or considered for Oct. 1-Nov. 12 entry period. Please read directions.
First Place (TIE): The Providence Journal
Outstanding coverage of a major story. The breadth and strength of the stories and strong photographs made this a winner. The reporters, photographers and edits obviously worked together to tell the important aspects of this story as it developed. This entry was a great team effort.
First Place (TIE): The Westerly Sun
The staff of the Westerly Sun built a strong entry, showing a wide range of good writing, editing and photography. The judges enjoyed the focused local coverage and insight into what happened after Sandy swept away.
Second Place: Providence Business News
Thoughtful writing and a wide view marked the entry for an award. The judges appreciated the detailed reporting on what Storm Sandy means for this publication’s audience. Good job!
First Place: Michael Derr, South County Independent, “On the edge”
What a tough category to judge! This photograph took the prize because it told the story so well. When faced with so many choices, this photographer was able to edit down the storm’s impact into a single frame. Impressive.
Second Place: Bob Thayer, The Providence Journal, “Sandy surges into R.I.”
This photograph shows the potential power of this storm. It makes the reader say “Wow!” One judge gave the photographer extra points for getting into the right place to get such a great shot. Wonderful job.
Third Place: Kathy Borchers, The Providence Journal, “Father hugs daughter”
Where other entries showed us the physical devastation left by the storm, this photograph captures the emotional impact. The reader can really feel what this family is experiencing without trespassing on the subject’s privacy. Well done.